The Phoenix returns for a third year of dancing excellence
May 2–4, 2025
Andrew Shaw
Graham Christian
Karen Axelrod
Eric Martin
Naomi Morse
Bob Mills
Lenox Community Center, Lenox MA

About the weekend
We are delighted to announce the return of The Phoenix, the annual event promoting the highest standards in English country dance. This year, in a world of tumultuous change, we are celebrating the spirit of the evergreen: favorites and classics from our very rich heritage, which reaches back into the 17th century and extends forward to the careers of cherished choreographers such as Pat Shaw, Fried Herman, and Philippe Callens.
We anticipate with pleasure the return of world-renowned caller Andrew Shaw, complemented by Graham Christian, author of The Playford Assembly. They will be accompanied by the lively and beautiful music of Karen Axelrod, Eric Martin, and Naomi Morse.

Who should apply to The Phoenix?
Although it is crucial to keep introducing new dancers to English country dance, The Phoenix is not an event for new or uncertain dancers. Easy familiarity with all of English country dance’s core figures, the building blocks of choreography, is assumed, as well as the ability to perform them effectively without assistance.
We are looking for two kinds of dancers: already-excellent dancers eager to expand their knowledge of the repertoire and refine their strategies for being good partners and neighbors, and skilled dancers eager to improve their technique, carriage, and fluency. Dancers should have the energy and stamina to participate in as much of each session as possible, and the generosity to share their experience with other dancers. We want to dance well together and find that we are a bit taller and brighter Sunday evening than we were Friday afternoon.

Covid protocol
Masking: Masking is optional.
Testing: There will be no mandatory on-site testing this year. We advise testing before you travel, especially if you are coming any great distance.
Liability waiver: All dancers must sign and return a waiver of liability.
Recent exposure? Not feeling well? If you don’t feel well or have had any Covid or respiratory symptoms within 48 hours before the weekend, please don’t come. If you’ve had or been exposed to Covid within SIX days, please don’t come. Full refunds will be given for any cancellation due to Covid symptoms.
Frequently asked questions
The cost of the weekend will be $200 per person.
In the unlikely event that the weekend has to be cancelled, you will receive a full refund of your application fee. If you are flying, check with your carrier about their refund policies.
You should anticipate greater demands on your concentration at the workshops. A workshop might focus on perfecting two dances, or even a single challenging dance. Although callers may still interject style points at the social dances, the sessions will be a little more relaxed. As ever, our pleasure comes from dancing well together.
Because space is at a premium, we will not be able to accommodate non-dancing guests.
Attendees will make their own arrangements for lodging. We will provide a list of local options with your registration acceptance.
To cap costs for the weekend, we will not be supplying food and beverages beyond tea, coffee, and water.
But like last year, on both Saturday and Sunday dancers will have the opportunity to order sandwiches and salads to be delivered to the Community Center for lunch.
At all other times dancers should feel free to use the downstairs dining area to eat meals brought from home or takeout bought in town. A list of restaurants will be provided to applicants upon acceptance.
Applicants without U.S. bank accounts may delay payment until they are accepted to the weekend. We will also be accepting PayPal this year; see How to apply for details.

Both the application form and $200/person payment must be received before your application can be considered.
Have you applied before?
If you were accepted or waitlisted last year, you may email instead of filling out a new application.
[Further details below]
The cost is $200/person.
With your PayPal transaction, please include a note “Phoenix” and your name/s.
If you prefer, you may send a check instead — payable to AAECD, memo “Phoenix,” mailed to: The Phoenix, P.O. Box 4, Hatfield MA, 01038-0004
If you applied last year and were accepted or waitlisted, you don’t have to fill out the application form again. Simply email Steve at stating your intention to apply, and send your payment for $200 per person.
Only full-time registrants will be considered.
Admission will be limited to 68 dancers, chosen at the discretion of the instructors. Acceptance decisions will be emailed in early February. Accepted applicants will be asked to submit a signed liability waiver at that time. A limited number of applicants may be placed on a wait list. Applicants who are not accepted may request feedback on the reason for this decision.
Questions about the registration process that aren’t in our FAQ?
Cancellation policy
Should you need to cancel, we will send you a refund if we can fill your slot. Cancellations due to changes in program or staff are subject to the same policy.
If you test positive for Covid or are having Covid-like symptoms, please cancel and you will receive a full refund of your application fee. We want you to come, but only if you are healthy.